UFOs, Bigfoot and Other Mysteries | Mount Shasta’s Magical Atmosphere
For many people, a California road trip is a bucket-list trip. There are the megacities, such as LA and San Francisco, the famous beaches, and even some Route 66. The popular parks Yosemite and Sequoia spring to mind - both of which welcome millions of visitors every year. But, if you venture a little further north, you’ll find that Northern California has some magic of its own.
The majestic Mount Shasta during golden hour.
Shasta-Trinity National Forest
Close to the Oregon border lies California’s largest national forest: Shasta-Trinity National Forest. With over 2 million acres of land, hundreds of lakes, and five wilderness areas, there is a ton to explore out here. A true paradise for boaters, climbers, hippies, and hikers, Shasta-Trinity National Forest was the very first stop of our road trip. The PCT also runs through this forest. We touched the trail marker and waved it goodbye with pain in our hearts. One day, our paths will cross again!
We got off the PCT around the Oregon/California border due to wildfires and came up with plan B: Rent a car and drive East! Our goal was to arrive in Pennsylvania in time for Thanksgiving… and the rest is history. :)
The Powers of Shasta’s Spring Water
In City Park, we found some time to stretch our legs and play frisbee after a long drive. We drank from the Headwaters spring flowing straight out of the mountain and watched dozens of people filling up gallons of water. Apparently, some believe the Shasta spring water holds magical powers. Moreover, it soon became clear to us that the Mount Shasta area is a mecca for spiritual enlightenment and otherworldly presences.
That evening, near the foot of the mountain, we found the perfect camping spot. This would be the second night in our rental car: A shiny, white Toyota 4Runner. The day before that, we (actually it was Ryan) built a simple bed platform in the back of the car. Thank you, Home Depot, for your tool rental service!
When setting up camp, Ryan was telling me about the mysterious volcano and the beliefs surrounding it. Seeing the mountain for the first time, I could see the appeal. Wispy evening clouds gathered around the peaks, rendering the mountain an air of mystique.
Lemurians and the Lost City of Telos
During dinner, we listened to an online radio show about Lemurians, ancient residents of the lost continent of Lemuria. When Lemuria sank into the Pacific Ocean thousands of years ago, the Lemurians settled in Telos, the subterranean city beneath the mountain. And they have lived there ever since, or so the legend says.
Toyota-turned-to-temporary home.
But it is not only the spiritually atuned who honor the mountain. Certain Native American cultures hold this place very dear: The Great Spirit Skell is said to have created Mt. Shasta as a steppingstone from heaven, overlooking the Earth. The Sacred Mountain Shasta represents a space of life and creation. That is why rituals and offerings are still very much alive in this part of Northern California.
Roughly 14,179 feet above sea level, Mount Shasta is considered a safe place for Lemurians, lizard-people, angels, aliens, and other mystical creatures. Even Bigfoot has been spotted in this area! We are open-minded and love anything fantasy, but we did not know what to make of this mountain’s reputation. After dinner, we gazed at the stars above us until we drifted to sleep in our soft sleeping bags. When I woke up to pee, I could not help but be alert. Alas, I saw nothing but the forest and the night sky. I watched the mysterious mountain peak glimmering in the moonlight and bade the mountain and all its dwellers goodnight.
Thanks for reading!